National Tater Day

Fiber & antioxidant loaded potatoes have been long underestimated! For years I have always limited the amount of starchy items on my plate- but these babies may be worth it from time to time!
Good source of Potassium (more than a banana) & Magnesium
40% of your Vitamin C
50%+ of your B6

Nutrients per Serving (according to WebMD)
One medium potato contains:
Calories: 265
Protein: 6 grams
Fat: 0 grams
Carbohydrates: 61 grams
Fiber: 4 grams
Sugar: 5 grams
The key is to make sure you limit your fatty toppings (butter, sour cream, etc) & eat the skin (this is where the most beneficial nutrients and antioxidants reside), and eat in moderation (they are known to have a high glycemic index)

Fun potato facts (2):
The potato is about 80% water and 20% solids.
An 8 ounce baked or boiled potato has only about 100 calories.
The average American eats about 124 pounds of potatoes per year while Germans eat about twice as much.
In 1974, an Englishman named Eric Jenkins grew 370 pounds of potatoes from one plant.
Thomas Jefferson gets the credit for introducing “french fries” to America when he served them at a White House dinner.
